The GeoTools 2.6.4 release is now available for download:
Release Notes
This is a bug fix release made in conjunction with uDig 1.2-RC3.

This release adds support for Oracle Georaster access as the result of a 
productive collaboration between Christian and Baskar. It is great to see 
developers from different organisations combine forces.

There are many small but interesting improvements in the release notes. I am 
exited by the new interpolate functions which will be very useful when styling 
maps, generated SLD files no longer write out "default" values which will make 
for a more readable result.

This release also features more documentation then normal; we have exported out 
the 2.6.4 documentation from our website and the users guide. It is nice to 
have archives of this material that match a specific release.

For more information please review the Release Notes:

Release Notes
For more information on GeoTools and the 2.6 series:
The GeoTools Community

[GEOT-1879] - plugin/db2 Code encumbered by IBM license
[GEOT-504] - JDBCDataStore autoCommit problem for DB2
[GEOT-1369] - Update test database creation and junit test
[GEOT-1536] - ImageLoader overhaul needed
[GEOT-1706] - XML-XSD is not thread safe
[GEOT-2278] - ClassCastException when filtering on Date values.
[GEOT-2411] - FilterDOMParser won't parse DWithin and Beyond filters
[GEOT-2945] - MetadataUrlType NullPointer
[GEOT-2962] - WFS Badly composed url
[GEOT-2984] - Problem using WFS client in multi-classloader environment (fix 
[GEOT-3011] - Centroid computation during rendering might occasionally return 
invalid points
[GEOT-3014] - EPSG H2 cannot recover when marker file removed
[GEOT-3018] - Rectangular graphic fills are distored into a square shape
[GEOT-3026] - Invalid Filter Construction for WFS-1.0.0
[GEOT-3027] - Default Stroke Values are reversed - linecap vs. linejoin
[GEOT-3028] - GeometryCollectionIterator returns the last point of each 
geometry twice
[GEOT-3029] - DataUtilities.createSubType changes the structure of the 
[GEOT-3030] - FeatureTypeImpl equality will fail if the geometry property field 
still hasn't been computed
[GEOT-3036] - Default fill parameters use Color object instead of hex string
[GEOT-3037] - Connect to provided databasename with jdbc-sqlserver
[GEOT-3042] - SLDParser can fail on empty elements
[GEOT-3043] - SLDParser fails parsing dasharray when multiple lines are used 
inside it
[GEOT-3044] - xsd-sld misses the extension ColorMap attributes
[GEOT-3048] - SLD isDefault is treated as a boolean, but the spec says 0 or 1 
[GEOT-3052] - Add more file filters to JP2K plugin
[GEOT-3053] - GeoKey directory management when writing GeoTiff CRS
[GEOT-3061] - Duplicated properties in app-schema WFS response
[GEOT-3067] - ExtractBoundsFilterVisitor does not deal properly with DWithin 
[GEOT-3070] - MetaBufferEstimator should consider also Mark and statis external 
graphic references as well
[GEOT-3073] - at.statistik.gis.db2.DB2VTDataStoreFactory not found
[GEOT-3074] - Interpolator2D wrong behavior
[GEOT-3081] - LabelPainter treats halo radius as an integer
[GEOT-1417] - Create 'Online' testcases
[GEOT-2005] - JDBCDataStore should handle clob/blob fields
[GEOT-3012] - SimpleFeaturePropertyAccessor.canHandle should check the feature 
type, not the feature itself
[GEOT-3023] - Avoid dumping the defaults when turning a style into a SLD 1.0 
[GEOT-3032] - When the "followLine" vendor option is set force line placement
[GEOT-3033] - The VersionedPostgisDatastoreFactory should accept a DataSource 
parameter if provided
[GEOT-3034] - Allow property datastore to find parent when a actual property 
file is supplied
[GEOT-3035] - Create Constant image for background values using the same image 
datatype of sample image
[GEOT-3045] - GeneralEnvelope constructed as isNull
New Feature
[GEOT-2905] - Oracle Georaster support
[GEOT-3001] - Interpolate function as per Symbology Encoding 1.1
[GEOT-3017] - Add support for footprint to mosaic datasets
[GEOT-3080] - Imagemosaic-JDBC plugin for custom db layout
[GEOT-3039] - Add ensureNonNull utility method to Utilities class
[GEOT-3040] - Add checkEmptySourceRegion utility method to CoverageUtilities
[GEOT-3041] - Add Utiltities method to DataUtilities class


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