On 08/10/12 03:03, Andrea Aime wrote:
> the JDBC build keeps on failing and keeps on polluting the devel mailing
> list.

It is not polluting the list. It is warning the list that this test is 
broken. That is what it is for. The solution should be to fix the test 
or the underlying code that causes the failure.

> Since it's clear we get no short term fix can we move that build mails
> off the
> devel list?

We can silence this build but only as a temporary measure. Creating a 
new list makes it seem like a longer-term arrangement.

Hey, there is an idea for a new Jenkins/Hudson plugin: press a button to 
silence a build failure for 24 hours. Snooze mode.  :-)

Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben.caradoc-dav...@csiro.au>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

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