
30 seconds sounds like a generous default. Maybe even 60 seconds for the 

I think your decision to have a timeout is excellent, as a thread could 
otherwise block indefinitely, which would be very, very bad for a 
service such as GeoServer.

Kind regards,

On 23/05/13 16:34, Mauro Bartolomeoli wrote:
> Hi Ben,
>     (2) Please look at the logic in SchemaCache.startDownload(). Why is
>     it necessary to create an empty file? How should SchemaCache recover
>     when a download fails? Please have a look and recommend a solution.
>     I know you gave this some thought and I do not want to introduce a
>     deadlock or thread blocking that might impact your performance.
> I had a look at the code, and the empty file creation seems not useful
> in that point. I don't remember why I introduced it. Maybe it was there
> for some file existance check, but that check is not there anymore. So
> I'm going to remove the empty file creation completely. The connect
> timeout instead was there to prevent a deadlock. I'm going to make it
> configurable through an env variable ( is
> ok for you?). For the default, maybe we can set it to 30seconds. What do
> you think?
> Mauro
> --
> ==
> GeoServer training in Milan, 6th & 7th June 2013! Visit
> <> for more information.
> ==
> Dott. Mauro Bartolomeoli
> @mauro_bart
> Senior Software Engineer
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
> Italy
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax:     +39 0584 1660272
> -------------------------------------------------------

Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

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