Also, the rdf representation for Geonames is described here:

On Jun 22, 2012, at 5:08 PM, Dan Brickley <> wrote:

> On 22 June 2012 21:39, Joshua Lieberman <> wrote:
>> This is a nice way of creating cross-examples, though: 
> Fantastic :)
> Here's a crude approximation of the island of Korcula, in Croatia, as
> hand-drawn by me just now.
> In GeoRSS with RSS2,
> <item 
> xmlns="";><title></title><description></description><georss:polygon
> xmlns:georss="";>42.984695434571
> 17.052154541015 42.969589233399 17.108459472656 42.962722778321
> 17.140045166015 42.942123413087 17.166137695312 42.929763793946
> 17.181243896484 42.922897338868 17.212829589844 42.898178100587
> 17.208709716797 42.898178100587 17.177124023437 42.895431518555
> 17.090606689453 42.911911010743 16.964263916015 42.87208557129
> 16.839294433594 42.888565063477 16.833801269531 42.895431518555
> 16.732177734375 42.892684936524 16.725311279297 42.910537719727
> 16.670379638672 42.896804809571 16.656646728515 42.927017211915
> 16.618194580078 42.95997619629 16.658020019531 42.962722778321
> 16.658020019531 43.001174926758 16.603088378906 43.008041381837
> 16.658020019531 42.979202270508 16.857147216797 42.984695434571
> 17.052154541015</georss:polygon></item>
> In GeoJSON,
> {"type":"Feature", "properties":{}, "geometry":{"type":"Polygon",
> "coordinates":[[[17.052154541015, 42.984695434571], [17.108459472656,
> 42.969589233399], [17.140045166015, 42.962722778321],
> [17.166137695312, 42.942123413087], [17.181243896484,
> 42.929763793946], [17.212829589844, 42.922897338868],
> [17.208709716797, 42.898178100587], [17.177124023437,
> 42.898178100587], [17.090606689453, 42.895431518555],
> [16.964263916015, 42.911911010743], [16.839294433594, 42.87208557129],
> [16.833801269531, 42.888565063477], [16.732177734375,
> 42.895431518555], [16.725311279297, 42.892684936524],
> [16.670379638672, 42.910537719727], [16.656646728515,
> 42.896804809571], [16.618194580078, 42.927017211915],
> [16.658020019531, 42.95997619629], [16.658020019531, 42.962722778321],
> [16.603088378906, 43.001174926758], [16.658020019531,
> 43.008041381837], [16.857147216797, 42.979202270508],
> [17.052154541015, 42.984695434571]]]}, "crs":{"type":"name",
> "properties":{"name":"urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"}}}
> In KML,
> <kml xmlns="";><Folder><name>OpenLayers
> export</name><description>Exported on Fri Jun 22 2012 22:51:32
> GMT+0200 
> (CEST)</description><Placemark><name>OpenLayers_Feature_Vector_354</name><description>No
> description 
> available</description><Polygon><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates>17.052154541015,
> 42.984695434571 17.108459472656, 42.969589233399 17.140045166015,
> 42.962722778321 17.166137695312, 42.942123413087 17.181243896484,
> 42.929763793946 17.212829589844, 42.922897338868 17.208709716797,
> 42.898178100587 17.177124023437, 42.898178100587 17.090606689453,
> 42.895431518555 16.964263916015, 42.911911010743 16.839294433594,
> 42.87208557129 16.833801269531, 42.888565063477 16.732177734375,
> 42.895431518555 16.725311279297, 42.892684936524 16.670379638672,
> 42.910537719727 16.656646728515, 42.896804809571 16.618194580078,
> 42.927017211915 16.658020019531, 42.95997619629 16.658020019531,
> 42.962722778321 16.603088378906, 43.001174926758 16.658020019531,
> 43.008041381837 16.857147216797, 42.979202270508 17.052154541015,
> 42.984695434571</coordinates></LinearRing></outerBoundaryIs></Polygon></Placemark></Folder></kml>
> ... so what might we say of it in
> Well, maybe we would say it's an Island? Pretty tough,
> has Volcano and Continent but no island.
> Are there standard medium-sized lists of expected values we should be
> using here?
> Ok so picking from ... let's go with
> Maybe we'll describe the island,
> and then use Place's containedIn relation to describe the city (also
> called Korcula) that's on the island.
> So, it's a thing of type  ... it
> has a 'geo' property pointing to a thing that is of type
> ... which in turn has a 'polygon' property
> whose value is the Text,
> "17.052154541015, 42.984695434571 17.108459472656, 42.969589233399
> 17.140045166015, 42.962722778321 17.166137695312, 42.942123413087
> 17.181243896484, 42.929763793946 17.212829589844, 42.922897338868
> 17.208709716797, 42.898178100587 17.177124023437, 42.898178100587
> 17.090606689453, 42.895431518555 16.964263916015, 42.911911010743
> 16.839294433594, 42.87208557129 16.833801269531, 42.888565063477
> 16.732177734375, 42.895431518555 16.725311279297, 42.892684936524
> 16.670379638672, 42.910537719727 16.656646728515, 42.896804809571
> 16.618194580078, 42.927017211915 16.658020019531, 42.95997619629
> 16.658020019531, 42.962722778321 16.603088378906, 43.001174926758
> 16.658020019531, 43.008041381837 16.857147216797, 42.979202270508
> 17.052154541015, 42.984695434571".
> As discussed earlier, the first and last pairs are identical.
> I could write this out long-hand in Microdata or RDFa Lite, but the
> basic model is the key concern. I think we're getting somewhere,
> thanks for your help!
> Nearby in the Web, Wikipedia has pages for both island and city,
> and
> It's also btw the alleged-birthplace-of
> but let's get the basics
> working first :)
> cheers,
> Dan

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