You'd be well-served, I think, by the contents and bibliography of Ken Conca's Governing Water:


At 01:54 PM 4/15/2008, Raul Pacheco wrote:
Dear all,

I do recognize that this question may be better posed for a list-serve in public policy, but I'm unaware of any, so I'm appealing to GEP-ED.

I am writing a think piece on water governance. I am not looking exactly at transboundary water governance, nor at global governance, though both are topics I'm going to have to address in some detail.

I am aware of the Rhodes books and articles on governance, the British school, and the transition from government to governance debate.

I am wondering if anyone has any particular "broad, lit review" piece or knows of any, on water governance, particularly from the viewpoint of network governance and polycentricity. I would prefer if said piece was focused on water, but not necessarily

Suggestions most appreciated and will compile the responses.

Thanks in advance,

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