The astro turf was so that it could be sanitised with vinegar.  However, my
sister replaced the astro turf (Spoo, the gerbil, was chewing it to bits
and plastic has historically been an allergen for her) with carefresh, what
they were in before the issue.  I unfortunately won't be back in town until
August, and i'm wary of having my sister do a new introduction, do you
think that that would be too long a period to do introductions, if I should
at all, given Spoo's age (almost 2)?

Kelly Moore

At 08:41 PM 6/25/2001 -0400, Jill wrote:
>What was the vet's intention in using astro-turf? to eliminate any possibly
>allergy sources? This doesn't sound wise to me- if accidentally ingested,
>it could potentially cause a blockage. The best allergy-safe bedding to use
>is plain white unscented tissue and paper.
>I would give the remaining gerbil at least a couple weeks alone before
>trying to introduce a new companion. Animals will often take time to grieve
>for a lost companion.

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