On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Rodolphe Ortalo wrote:
> I really think it is a very important point to get _applications_ using a
> GUI. I'd even say that it should be a requirement.
>  But I understand that you may also have a lot of work to do to get the
> GUI essential elements running in Fresco... :-)

Back to the thread I think this might have come from -- someone
should look into making embedded Qt run on GGI if it doesn't already,
and then verify that any available apps for embedded Qt work well.
That would give us a *much* bigger app base.

It would be *nice* if it could do so without requiring a directbuffer
(though using one if available.)  Too many GGI apps require a directbuffer -- 
even some that have no real reason to do so considering they have their 
own backbuffers.


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