On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Andreas Beck wrote:

> > Which widget library? Some of your own or something more general? 
> One of my own. Basically  something to do away with an ugly TCL/Tk
> script that is used to control eccet. The idea is to have something that
> can nicely live side by side with other stuff on a GGI visual.
> Existing libs made that cumbersome to integrate, as I want several
> LibGGI native windows that will display rendered 3D-stuff in realtime
> and accept mouse and key commands _plus_  one or more control windows
> - that may be as slow as they want - to give a GUI for stuff that is
> not easily controlled with keyboard and mouse.
> I can send you the code if you like. It has some special widgets I happen
> to like (e.g. dials like used in xv).

I'm sure it is interesting and I'll certainly have a look at it, but don't
you think that yet another custom widget library would not give problems
to GGI (as a project)?

Whatever the merits of your library (knowing your coding habits, I guess
it should be pretty good anyway) I guess adopting a "preferred" widget
library on top of GGI may involve a lot of hard thinking (and fatigue):
 1- there several (possibly numerous) condidates for porting, each with
their own merits/drawbacks (technical aspects, audience, available
applications, etc.), and we should surely do a review first;
 2- they probably all need a windowing system (maybe yours don't
something that could be decisive in the short term);
 3- the biggest drawback of GUI widget library X is certainly the fact
that... it will not be library Y! (I mean: we will always find a user that
does not like the one we adopted and wants another. And once someone has
adopted one widget library, it seems he is pretty reluctant to try another
one before several years.)
 4- IMHO we should strive for a GUI system that can take advantage of all
the advanced features made possible by the GGI architecture (transparency,
alpha, 2D accel, 3D accel, multi-display, etc.) and I guess few existing
candidates go so far (hence my comment about Berlin/Fresco) and even
fewer are also widespread and feature-rich.

Well, I'm pretty sure such a debate could turn easily into an unproductive
flame. And, in the end, maybe many users, like you, would finally
re-implement their *own* widget system for their own application (or give
a lof of $$ to get Views.)

I am playing the devil's advocate too here (in case you have not noticed
:-). Of course, I'd love to see GTK, Qt, Amulet, your widget kit, or any
other widget toolkit, available on GGI... and possibly all of them!

However, I wonder if the GGI project should not also try to propose
something else.
 Of course, this mean *I* am going to propose something else now... ;-)
 I have worked with some people in the field of ergonomy and UI design
(note the absence of the 'G' these people insist a lot on this fact :-).
And they really made me look at GUI toolkits in another light. Some of my
work with OpenAmulet also made me think differently to what a developper
should expect from a UI system. (Amulet was developped to support research
in GUI toolkits at Carnegie Mellon.) And there were also a few things that
made me think (the initial publications from project Athena in the 70s, a
NeXT box, MacOS and its specs and the AppleIIGS, the SpaceOrb with
DukeNukem, a presentation from Van Hamme,  etc.).

So even though I am far from being a specialist in this field, I tend to
think that programmers do not always look at UI the right way, and my own
requirements for a UI system would be:
 1- For precise interface layout, I do not want to program: I simply want
an UI builder. I do *not* care of the actual API involved below, I do not
want to be able to call it directly. I want these damns buttons to get
drawn, I do not want to know how and by which function.
 2- I want to be able to inspect dynamically the UI system while it is
running in the development phase. In fact, I want the "simulation" button
of the UI builder to actually run a "-DUI_DEBUG" version of the final
application (or something equivalent). This is because I think a good GUI
should provide a GUI for debugging itself ;-), and because good UI design
goes typically into a fast prototyping loop (try, improve, restart) and
the best way to do it is by modifying a running version of the GUI (the
GUI itself not the program functions of course).
 3- I'd like to have some easy system to define the dynamic behavior of
the UI elements: something like a state machine drawing program. I want
default behaviors available, and I want these default behaviors to fully
support undo/redo etc. (At the interface layer.) If possible, I'd like
such behavior to scale to multi-user interactions (two mouse in two hands
of *two* people). I do not want behavior to correspond to elementary GII
 4- If my program does 10 things, I'd like the generated UI to call 10 C
functions that do the real work in my program (or shell scripts, or Perl
programs). Maybe 11. Not 100.
 5- When the GUI involves editing of in-program data structures (for
example: a configuration dialog, or a modeler, or a database form -
passing parameters to function of 4 is a special case of this), I'd like
to specify these data structures in something similar to a text-based
programming language. Possibly the native programming language like C if
possible, but I'd accept to use a custom data-oriented language. In this
case I want this description to be converted automatically to C/C++ etc.
to use in my own code. And I want the UI system to provide *automatically*
some GUI elements for a user to edit them. In short: I do not want to deal
with the UI-specific data structures or widgets, I only want to deal with
my own data model and I authorize the UI system to interact with it but
only the way I want. I totally refuse to change my data model to fit the
needs of the GUI system. (Yep, currently, I have nearly abandonned GUIs.
 6- I want to be able to program new GUI elements for the system at my
will: give me a visual/subvisual/wisual whatever and input and I'll do all
the work. (If my data structure is some ultra-specific data structure,
like medical X-ray data, air traffic control data, satellite image
acquisition signal, or the Bulgarian formula for importation taxes of fine
art pieces, I know 5 will fail and I'll have to provide the "automatic"
widget myself but well...)
 7- If possible, I'd like the default elements of 5 to provide a
well-defined set of parameters for customization of their look-and-feel
(to give my application some originality, if I have time to do that). But
well, for me this is optional, I'm not a fond of themes, and I believe
that those who are fell in category 6 and had better re-develop GUI
elements. (Of course, in my view, using these new elements is just a
matter of re-generating the program via 1.)

Note that in all these things: only 6 involves programming and API, only
7 involves library-oriented issues (and only parameters in my case),
1,2,3,4,5 involves a *program* (or probably a set of programs to do the
various things). That's the way I feel it: maybe we should try to provide
one (or several) GUI *generators*.

These generators would themselves have: an UI and probably some input
language. And then, in their internal mechanics, they would generate
something that would involve either library X, Y or Z on GGI, or some
custom library code or raw C generation (in the extreme case).
 Of course, there is a bootstrap problem here: which GUI to use for the UI
generator... :-)) But I really believe the latter should be able to
generate itself before claiming v.1!

Well, enough dreaming, I promise I go back to programming at once... :-))


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