On 13/11/15 01:18, Lehmann, Patrick wrote:

has anyone tried to compile the Altera (VHDL) libraries for GHDL?

I have tried, although not recently.
I found the complete simulation models in
"C:\Altera\15.0\quartus\library\sim_lib\..." as VHDL and Verilog files.
I tried to compile them but hit some problems:

1) Altera uses non standard IEEE packages, so I needed to configure GHDL
with -ieee=synopsys.


1.1) Why is -ieee=mentor|synopsys not listed as a GHDL option anymore?

It is still displayed whith 'ghdl --help -a'
But I agree this should be displayed by default.

1.2) GHDL implecitely creates comparision operator(s) for
std_logic_vector in std_logic_1164.v93 (">=") which collides with

I used -fexplicit as workaround, but is it correct behavior of GHDL to
generate a ">=" operator?


2) One file has non ASCII chars (c) and TM in it - inserted in a comment
line. Nice new error message :).

They were not allowed at least in vhdl93 iirc.  Try to add option -C.

I think I should write a bug report to Altera, because GHDL won't relax
on this rule, will it? ;)

What is your command line ?

3) There are dozens of bound errors complaining about bounds being no
universal integer or attribute. Example

entity foo is
generic (
    Width : natural
end entity;
architecture rtl of foo is
   type mem is array(2**width-1 downto  0) of std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
end architecture;

The problem is "2**width". I currently worked around all power operators
by inserting a constant before the type declaration.

Try -frelaxed-rules.  Again, what is your command line ?

3.1) I assume it's not intended to throw a bound error, nor to be a post
VHDL-93 feature, is it?

No it is. The rule was relaxed in vhdl08. But I agree ghdl is too conformant :-(


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