An alternative to providing *.dpkg packages for OSX would be to install it
via homebrew ( At the moment there exists only a homebrew
"formula" to install ghdl from the +.dpkg packages. But it is probably not
too difficult to modify the formula so that it installs ghdl by building it
from the source code.

2017-03-01 23:14 GMT+01:00 David Koontz <>:

> On Mar 2, 2017, at 7:56 AM, Andre <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I run 0.33 on a Mac and have a pretty large design.
> Tried to elaborate a design this afternoon and it came back with an error
> advising Xcode needed permissions and then bailed out.
> Only solved by running the ghdl command under sudo and then came up with
> commands for reading the license and agreeing to it.
> Once agreed all came through after this.
> As Tristan commented ghdl uses the Xcode distribution linking loader.
> There's a possibility using when using the ghdl-0.33 package that Apple's
> linker change in Xcode 7 will cause annoying warnings.
> The change to fix a bug in outputting the minimum tool revision in object
> files can cause llvm to report a discrepancy during linking. llvm was
> accepting Apple's string value in the wrong place before llvm-3.8. After
> Apple changed to storing the right values in the right place llvm started
> generating warnings.
> The short term solution would to use Xcode 6.4 or it's command tools
> (cough,
> Tools_OS_X_10.10_for_Xcode_6.4/Command_Line_Tools_OS_X_10.
> 10_for_Xcode_6.4.dmg cough). If you're using an earlier Xcode/command
> line tools you're safe. Alternatively you could live with the warnings, use
> the mcode version or build ghdl yourself.
> By the way is thee a plan to do a further release as a dpkg file for
> something later than 0.33 ?
> Building is as easy as specifying the right target once you have an Xcode
> installed (or command line tools), an llvm (with llvm-config installed) and
> an Ada (gnat).
> Tristan has made it possible to use an llvm greater than the required so
> you can use 3.8.0 from Don't use llvm-3.5 it'll generate
> warnings during linking due to Apple's fix in Xcode 7 revealing a matching
> llvm defect, fixed in 3.8. I have checked the llvm-3.8.0 fix works with
> Xcode 7.1 and 7.2.
> I last built Commit: afe8072bf5faa1dca1705a08e88818d454ff8758 [afe8072]
> which was dated 18/19 Sep 2016 (international dateline depending), built
> Oct 4 (local). This wasn't distributed. I'm planning on a new build shortly.
> A new distribution package from me would depend on an actual ghdl release.
> I'm intending to go back to installing in /opt and linking to /usr/local
> (as in ghdl-0.31), allowing switching between versions with a command line
> tool (and permissions). It's also easier than contending with Homebrew for
> permissions. (Now there's an idea.... We hate's it, yes we does my
> precious. Nasty little Homebrew. Just gives us the fish!)
> I'm not keeping up with MacOS (the Fisher-Price-ification of OS X despite
> an underlying UNIX), planning on switching back to Linux instead. The next
> package release will be my last. (Really, I have no use for a Touch Bar at
> the expense of a standard keyboard.)
> Building ghdl yourself is easy.  I use the Adacore 
> gnat-gpl-2015-x86_64-darwin-bin,
> the llvm clang+llvm-3.8.0-x86_64-apple-darwin (fixes the ld warning on
> linking). llvm-3.8 (and higher presumably) requires a full Xcode install
> using Xcode target platform determination. Keep your search path ore
> environmental variables straight pointing first to the right gnat and gcc
> and it's just a config and a make. The clang release includes llvm-config
> which Apple does not distribute.
> We get anecdotal evidence there are some number of people building an llvm
> ghdl under OS X these days. The mcode version is really easy.
> My packages were built with Packages
> <>, and aren't signed.
> I'm too cheap^H^H^H^H^H principled to pay Apple for the privilege, having
> been a registered Apple Developer since 1991 (and it cost to join then,
> only a one time fee). ghdl isn't eligible for the app store anyway.
> Releasing packages involves a lot of regression testing, ghdl validation
> is fairly easy, there can be a lot of work testing package install and
> un-install scripts and checking pkgutil receipts as well as ancillary
> scripts. A lot of care in is required in assembling packages, and watch
> your spelling, there's an error in one of the installer windows for
> ghdl-0.33, fewer than in the 0.31 package.
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