
On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 7:47 PM, Leslie Katz <lesl...@mymts.net> wrote:

> Apologies. I couldn't figure out how to reply directly to my own earlier
> message, so I'm doing so by a fresh post with the same title as my original
> post, in case anyone should be helped by my reply.
> The GIMP says in its title bar that it's running in superuser mode, but
> I've now found that it really isn't. Its wrongly saying so is a function of
> its having been installed through flatpak.

I saw in your other email that you use Ubuntu. Is it a feature of Ubuntu to
tell when a software is run as superuser?
In any case, I have no idea about this issue. Does that say the same thing
with other flatpak-installed software or only GIMP?


> Leslie
> --
> Leslie Katz
> email: lesliek [at] mymts [dot] net
> Please visit http://ssrn.com/author=1164057 to find hyperlinks
> to papers that I’ve written on literary and legal topics
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