
Simon Budig wrote:
> Carol Spears ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > On Sun, Sep 05, 2004 at 07:43:29PM +0200, Simon Budig wrote:
> > > I start to regret to have supported your attendance to Guadec.
> > you were the decision maker i take it?
> I was one of many people who wanted to meet you at Guadec. That doesn't
> mean that I made the decision to fund you but I think it helped.

I guess since I was the one handing out the money, I was the
decision maker on this.

I did ask around, and while one or two people asked "why?" when I
asked them whether Carol should go, there were several people who
were positive on the idea, including Simon. 

> > did anyone ever tell you that changes were made to a community project
> > to suit someones mothers needs?  if so, how did you handle it.  an
> > example of how to deal with such a thing needs to be given i guess
> > instead of idle reprimands.

Getting something to the stage "where my grandmother would use
it" is a proverbial way of describing making technology
accessible to a larger public.

I am sure this was the sense in which Luis was talking when he
said he wanted something his mother could use. That is not the
reason things are simplified, but it is a soundbite describing
the general goal of opening things up to a larger public.


        David Neary,
        Lyon, France
CV: http://dneary.free.fr/CV/
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