On Wed, Mar 02, 2011 at 03:02:30AM -0800, Carol Spears wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 02, 2011 at 09:30:30AM +0200, Jeremy Nell wrote:
> > What ways or tips will help speed up GIMP and maximise performance?  
> > Obviously, loads of RAM is a start, I guess.  And a decent graphics card 
> > (for rendering), yes?
> > 
> > What other tips or tricks does anyone have?
> brush outline can slow painting down even on fast computers.  gimp-1.2 on
> my 486 painted much much faster than gimp-2.4 - gimp-2.6 on this dual 
> processor giga-something ram thing.  brush outlines are the culprit there.
i was going to append this to tell how to "turn off the brush outlines" but
instead, i am going to ask you to do something.

can you tell me how long it takes you to determine how to turn off the brush
outlines?  it will be interesting to see what the "gui experts" man hours has
gotten for us.


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