As I know how hard translations can be, esp. with that much technical terms 
inside, I'm usually expecting _not_ to yield the same result when translating 
a software's translation back to English.

However, git-rebase just threw these two sentences at me (And though i know 
their meaning, i couldn't get the meaning from the message, it gave). Both are 
in context of starting a rebase while one is already in progress.

first is:

... and I wonder if you are in the middle of another rebase.

German git translation:
... und es wäre verwunderlich, wenn ein Neuaufbau bereits im Gange ist.

And a re-translation back to English from my understanding as native German 
... and it would be astonishing (=i'd be surprised), if a rebase was already 
in progress.

And second:

I am stopping in case you still have something valuable there.

German git translation:
Es wird angehalten, falls bereits etwas Nützliches vorhanden ist.

I wanted to point out that "etwas Nützliches" is more "something useful" that 
"something valuable". But the more I thought about it, the more it started to 
confuse me (even the original text) - and now I feel like I don't understand 
the meaning of the last sentence at all; neither in English nor in the German 
After removing the directory with all rebase-information inside it, WHERE 
should something valuable still be left over? Is it referring to my working 

So, for completeness, the full English message:

        It seems that there is already a rebase-merge directory, and
        I wonder if you are in the middle of another rebase.  If that is the
        case, please try
           git rebase (--continue | --abort | --skip)
        If that is not the case, please
                rm -fr "/work/lg2/src/.git/rebase-merge"
        and run me again.  I am stopping in case you still have something
        valuable there.


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