Perhaps I missed this or I'm missing something, but seeing a mention of 
quasiquoting on another thread, I reread this entire thread just now before 

If by "stealing syntax" we mean that the odd programmer who writes 
illegiblelinenoisewithoutspaceshastoaddtheoddspacehereandthere, then fine, 
sorry about the long post which you may freely ignore. What I read when I see 
"stealing syntax" is that a proposal makes some prior code impossible to write. 
Please clarify.

I have no trouble distinguishing visually between the following forms

        [hex| 1.fffffp+1023 |]

        [ hex | hex <- [ 0..8 ] ]

for two different reasons:

[1] I'd never leave out the spaces for the list comprehension, while I'd always 
leave out the spaces for quasiquoting.

[2] It's completely obvious to a human reader that the first form can't be a 
list comprehension, because of the trailing |] which would be a parse error.

Let's recall that indentation-based parsing like we use in Haskell, Python was 
once radical, and still jars some people. Spaces are already significant for 
everyone, this just leans on them a bit more. A Lisp programmer would have no 
issues distinguishing these forms, because [hex| is a single token for the Lisp 
programmer. A freshman parser for quasiquoting would get this right by 
accident, failing to catch the quasiquoting that used spaces, falling correctly 
through to the list comprehension.

More generally, humans always resolve ambiguity by parsing several ways in 
parallel, and accepting the highest priority parse that succeeds. I always 
expect computer languages to work this way, and my heart is always broken. Why 
can't Haskell evolve in this direction, as proposals like this increase its 
code density? Reading "Coders at Work", all of my coding zombie masters 
abandoned Lisp (as I did) because code density is a Good Thing.

It's a mild nuisance to wait on the closing |] to decide, but only a mild 
nuisance. This reminds me of heredocs, where a traditional (e.g. Perl) heredoc

 help prog = <<“EOF”
 “prog” input output
 “prog” -h original input output

looks like it's stealing syntax, but there is utterly no issue at all, if one 
waits till the end to resolve the ambiguity, giving priority to a correct 
heredoc. (I need to wait till the end in any case to steal the indent.) Somehow 
this was never accepted as a reasonable idea in the heredoc thread either, yet 
I took this from working code that my custom literate preprocessor handles 
without incident.

So what am I missing? Require no spaces to open quasiquoting, and/or require |] 
to close quasiquoting, falling through to whatever else Haskell will accept if 
these conditions aren't met? Then it remains possible to code any list 

On Jan 31, 2010, at 10:50 PM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

>      So the proposed change will make things *more* uniform, by grabbing every
>      "[blah|" as lexeme. 

On Feb 1, 2010, at 1:43 AM, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

> I am not myself a TH or QQ user, but it has always bothered me slightly that 
> the syntax for them steals some valid list comprehensions.

On Feb 22, 2010, at 5:15 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

> Or, alternatively, use quasiquoting
>       [hex| 1.fffffp+1023 |]

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