On Sat, 2010-02-27 at 17:19 -0800, Jason Self wrote:
> Sam Geeraerts wrote:
> >> If you could get some kind of integration working between mailing list
> >> and forum then it would have a good chance of succeeding, I think. Keep
> >> us updated.
> Brice Chaffin <bchaffi...@lavabit.com> wrote:
> > I'll keep everyone aware of what I'm doing. Once I get the Customizatiom
> > Manual underway, I'll continue looking at phpBB. Basically I'll set up a
> > sandbox on my private servers that uses all the software involved and
> > see how well integration works. That way I can figure things out without
> > any risk to a pre-existing infrastructure.
> Offlist.
> It's not phpBB but the combination of these two would provide full
> integration with the mailing list (one is for sending, the other for
> receiving.)
> I only mention them because the m2f thing I found at
> http://mail2forum.com/ doesn't yet support phpBB3 and I couldn't find
> anything else that did.  :(  I don't suppose that precludes the
> creation of such a thing, though...
> http://www.phorum.org/phorum5/read.php?62,140380,140380#msg-140380
> http://www.phorum.org/phorum5/read.php?62,129244,129244#msg-129244

Thanks Jason. I'll look into those in the near future.
I had looked at m2f also, but you're right, it's not ready for phpBB3
yet. I certainly wouldn't want to dig up a copy of 2 just to stick with
phpBB. In the end, I'll use whatever works as long as it can meet with
everyone elses approval.

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