Brice Chaffin wrote:
>> I only mention them because the m2f thing I found at
>> doesn't yet support phpBB3 and I couldn't find
>> anything else that did.  :(  I don't suppose that precludes the
>> creation of such a thing, though...
> Thanks Jason. I'll look into those in the near future.
> I had looked at m2f also, but you're right, it's not ready for phpBB3
> yet. I certainly wouldn't want to dig up a copy of 2 just to stick with
> phpBB. In the end, I'll use whatever works as long as it can meet with
> everyone elses approval.

Another option you can look into (that I've used in the past) is to
gateway the mailing list to a private nntp server (there is one that is
simple-stupid to set up - newsd I think), and then set up / integrate
with the rest of the website via web-based nntp client software -
etc. One advantage is that it is really trivial to try different /
multiple web front-ends, and change in the future, since the back-end
uses a standardized protocol (and can also be swapped out in favor of
inn, diablo etc. if needed without effecting the front end).

Daniel JB Clark |

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