On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 5:18 AM, Brice Chaffin <bchaffi...@lavabit.com> wrote:
> ... I'll use whatever works as long as it can meet with
> everyone elses approval.

Again, there are the unanswered questions:

*  who is the forum for?
*  what is the goal of the forum?
*  what kind of activities or functions should it provide?
*  how should those functions be provided?
* who will make sure its _actually_ a useful resource,
   which doesn't simply pump out advice on how to break peoples systems?
* who will administer the forums?
* who will maintain the software/server associated with the forum?
* What is the security record for this software?

The last question is a very polite way of saying that there might be
better options than phpBB,  Forums are high maintenance.


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