Okay, I don't proclaim to be a procmail expert, so no laughing...

I put the following in the procmailrc on one of our mailservers just
* > 80000
* ^Subject:.*(Install this patch immediately|Current Microsoft Critical
Upgrade|Current Update)

Basically, looking at all messages above 80K in size, and then looking
for 1 of 3 subject variants reported so far, and then if it all matches
pushing the message into a message file for later review.

I'd like to me able to see some of the bodies of the emails, in order to
target the filter a little better.

Any comments/suggestions/etc welcome.

If this rule works (the particular server its on average 1 message every
3 seconds) I'll push it out to the larger/busier servers that handle the
customer accounts (above 10K mailboxes total).

I'm also working on a perl/cgi-based procmail manager (we have about a
dozen email servers to maintain) that allows you to have 1 "master"
procmail body that can be edited via html GUI and then sync'd to the
remote boxes.

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