On Thu, 2003-09-18 at 22:29, Brian Chabot wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Sep 2003, Brian wrote:
> > I'm also working on a perl/cgi-based procmail manager (we have about a
> > dozen email servers to maintain) that allows you to have 1 "master"
> > procmail body that can be edited via html GUI and then sync'd to the
> > remote boxes.
> If/when you do, do you think you might be able to share it here?  I have 
> users on my system who could really use procmail but don't have time to 
> learn the syntax. (Most can't even figure out how to use a bash 
> prompt...)

Sure...  In the meantime, check out the procmail module in Webmin, it
can write basic procmail rules for you.  FWIW, I'm concentrating less on
automagic writing, and more on keeping many systems in sync, but maybe
I'll add in more "Wizard-like" (or actually, I prefer "Magical Elf" to
"Wizard"...) capabilities to write rules.

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