On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 02:10:56PM -0400, mod wrote:
> P.S.  If you can arrange for my email address to NOT
>       appear in (the bodies of) your responses when
>       broadcast to the world, I'd be much obliged,
>       as I've so far managed to keep it from being
>       harvested for SPAM abusage...

I've made a similar request here and on other lists in the past.  You
will find that a number of people will disregard your request out of
hand, and a few think that you are in the wrong to even suggest such a
thing...   Some people seem to feel that the benefit to the public of
quoting your e-mail address is more important than your explicitly
stated wish that the public should not have it.  A few may even call
you stupid or naive for thinking that you can prevent your address
from being harvested.  Which turns out to be true, since such people
will dismiss your request without consideration, causing it to be
possible to harvest your address.  Oh well.

Derek D. Martin
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