This will probably start another flame war, but I'm getting upset by
people who complain and yet do nothing to help the situation.

[Flame mode on]

Guys (and gals). This is free and open source. I've taken the initiative
to put the mailing lists up. If the servers don't meet your needs, then
do one or all of the following:

        * Start your own list using the list server software of your
          choice and your own server and ISP.
        * Fix the bugs (or enhance) the existing list server software

[Flame mode reduced]

Several times in the past, people have complained about the software and
its capabilities. And the sysadmins that have to implement it complain
about the lack of documentation and the lack of features requested by
our community.

We seem to have lost sight of the greatest asset of Open Source: We have
the power to change things!

And yet we just sit around and complain. 

I'd like to implore you to, instead of taking the time to complain, take
the time to look at the source and propose a fix! You will not only fix
a problem, but you'll come away with feeling good about helping things


On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 02:57, Derek Martin wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 02:10:56PM -0400, mod wrote:
> > P.S.  If you can arrange for my email address to NOT
> >       appear in (the bodies of) your responses when
> >       broadcast to the world, I'd be much obliged,
> >       as I've so far managed to keep it from being
> >       harvested for SPAM abusage...
> I've made a similar request here and on other lists in the past.  You
> will find that a number of people will disregard your request out of
> hand, ...

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