On Mon, 14 Jun 2004, at 10:13am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Public-key crypto in SNMP would probably be unweildy, especially since
> SNMP is supposed to have a light footprint to make it easy to put into
> small embedded systems.

  That's not the point I was making.

> A lot of customers just want to flip the power on in these things and have
> things work

  Convenience is generally inversely proportional to security.

> Besides, in my experience, SNMPv3 is merely a "checkoff item" in the
> vast majority of deals.

  I find *most* things fall into that category.  When was the last time
you saw anyone use more then 10% of the features in MS-Word?  MS-Excel?

> I haven't seen much else that approaches SNMP's usefulness.

  I also never said SNMP was not useful.  Just that it does not concern
itself much with security.  (One could make the argument that security is
the job of the network layer (i.e., IPsec).  Consider it made.)


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