I download each and every show I wish to watch (and I want for nothing
I can't get),
getting not only high quality recordings, but with commercials already removed.
Finding new shows is trivial (thanks to many diverse sites devoted to
tracking the shows),
and with thousands of others doing the same, the bittorrents are
reasonably fast,
and I usually can expect to have a show well within 24 hours of it's broadcast.

I'm transition to this solution, but the legality of it is debatable. I'm still trying to figure out a good working solution to automatically download the shows I like without getting dupes or incorrect versions (like a french version for example).

I also can't get a few shows I enjoy. Such as This Old House, Gardening By The Yard, and a few others. I have come across a friend with a hacked DirecTiVo that will pull the shows for me, but I'm still losing out on one HBO show I enjoy.

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