> As a TiVo owner and former DirecTV subscriber, I couldn't figure
> out why people would get a DirecTiVo instead of a stand alone.

I had/have both, I was an early tivolutionary, telling people how much
it changed my life, and encouraging them to get one... and also had
Comcast's (crappy) DVR for some time. (Which one day soon will get
tivoized, according to the industry)

These days, I do without cable OR satellite.  Considering the high
prices I paid for both,  I miss neither. But how do you watch TV? I
hear you asking... Antenna?  No.

I download each and every show I wish to watch (and I want for nothing
I can't get),
getting not only high quality recordings, but with commercials already removed.
Finding new shows is trivial (thanks to many diverse sites devoted to
tracking the shows),
and with thousands of others doing the same, the bittorrents are
reasonably fast,
and I usually can expect to have a show well within 24 hours of it's broadcast.

I've had mythtv up and running in the past with mixed success (low end
hardware doesn't run well), though lately (the last year plus), thanks
to a cheap DVD player that plays Xvid/Divx/mpg/avi/etc, I easily do
sneakernet, burning stuff onto dvds (usually dvd RWs, since I don't
usually keep most TV shows around after I watch them)
Hardware solution beat most of the software bugs (a few things don't
play on the DVD, so I laptop watch those), though I'm tired of the
sneakernet, so....

Linux Media seems like an answer, finally.  I'll be installing the
next few weeks.
Once that's running, I expect between using RSS feeds of torrents I
want to want combined with the occasional 'that looks worth watching'
click&save, automatic discovery of new shows stored on network drives,
and an interface my wife should be able to use, I'll be a very happy

So one day soon hopefully, my standalone DVD players will join the 3
tivos and the VCR all sitting around unused.
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