> Why not Debian or Ubuntu?  For sheer upgradability, Debian systems
> tend to be more bullet proof.

We had a pilot of this, and we chose a couple of distributions.  We
realized that was a mistake, as it did not allow us to "lockstep
through".  Remember, we were anticipating 30 or forty people, not just
five.  So we went with one distro.  Jarod works for Red Hat, is familiar
with Fedora, uses that at home.  It was as good as any.

> And Linux Media is built using Ubuntu. :)

When we had the pilot "Linux Media" was not announced yet.

> > The fact that this is an "appliance" and for most people they don't care
> > what the base distribution is.  Those that do can probably install
> > MythTV by themselves.
> True enough.

Again, in the future we may allow more distributions as things roll out,
but right now we want "one swell foop".


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