On Apr 8, 2007, at 10:32 PM, Ben Scott wrote:

On 4/8/07, Jarod Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I stand by the statement that neither Bose or Pioneer Elite are crap-level.

 I don't think Bose is crap, either.  Indeed, my Wave Radio sounds a
lot better than some of the home theater systems I've heard.  :)

For me, a speaker should reproduce a sound faithfully and accurately, without imparting it's own color or style on that sound. In that regard, Bose speakers fail miserably, and thus fall into "crap-level" as I said before. For most people they confuse "better" with "radically different". Bose equipment tends to impart it's own coloring on the audio, with particular frequencies having a tendency to be vastly over and under driven. To many people, that massive coloring of the sound is something they haven't heard before, and they mistake it for a more accurate or richer sound. The Wave Radio in particular sounds muddy to me on the mids and lows and chirpy on the high frequencies.

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