> If the keepers of the POTS up and vanished... wow.  What chaos, what
> opportunity would ensue!
> People would still want (or think they "need") their telephone
> service, but there would be no shiny-logo company to take their money.
> These would seem to be the perfect conditions for small-time
> for-profit/amateur telephone operators to pick up the ball.
> I can only imagine bands of Amateur Telephone Operators roaming the
> streets, rewiring at will.  Oh, what fun that would be!  Up and down
> the streets I'd go... until EVERYBODY had DSL!
> Amateur Radio operators are entrusted with custodianship of a hefty
> chunk of the radio spectrum.  Why not let amateurs get in on the wire
> waves as well?  What a great deal that would be.

Yes, fantastic, until some rival upstart that happens to be upstream
decides that only his neighborhood should get service from that nearly
decrepit CO because the other neighborhoods are filled with

Hams self-police well enough to be sure but we've all worked for that
license.  You can't disconnect my antenna from 3 miles away either...
Ever use 11 Meter in Nashua, say 13 years ago?  *shivers from the

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