On Nov 15, 2007 4:20 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can only imagine bands of Amateur Telephone Operators roaming the
> streets, rewiring at will.

  You can't attach your own lines to public utility poles without a
permit.  I know a business that tried that, just to cross the street
to their other building.  When the lines were found a little while
later, they were told: "You have 30 days to take the lines down, or
we'll cut them down for you, and send you the bill for having to do

  Or are you assuming the power company is gone, too?  If so, how you
gonna power your computer?  A foot pedal, a la OLPC, maybe?  :)

> Oh, what fun that would be!  Up and down
> the streets I'd go... until EVERYBODY had DSL!

  You do realize that DSL has distance length limitations which are
inherent in the technology, right?  :)

> Amateur Radio operators are entrusted with custodianship of a hefty
> chunk of the radio spectrum.  Why not let amateurs get in on the wire
> waves as well?

  Sure!  Of course, we'd all have to run IP over Morse code...

  Your reality check just bounced.  ;-)

-- Ben
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