On Tue, 2008-09-23 at 17:43 -0400, Mark Komarinski wrote:
> Alan Johnson wrote:
> > I've been using minicom (or trying to) to manage some network devices 
> > over their serial ports, but it is not pretty.  Minicom appears to be 
> > too focused on modems to work well with my serial devices.  I'm sure 
> > there is a better way, but I just can't seem to find it.  I'm looking 
> > for something provides the functionality that hyperterm does where you 
> > can just say "connect to this port and at out of the way".   But, of 
> > course, I to use it on remote servers via ssh, so it can't actually be 
> > a GUI.   Any suggestions?  Maybe a way to config minicom that I 
> > haven't found yet?
> Check out conserver (www.conserver.com).  I used it many many moons ago 
> and I think it'll do exactly what you want.

Similarly, check out conman and conmux. I'm most partial to conman
myself, and use it for serial console connections to all my dev boxes
hanging off my main build box. (can also do telnet, connections to misc
console servers, etc)


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