On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 5:56 PM, Michael ODonnell <

> <cheap-N-nasty>
> Here (IIRC) is how I turn a machine into a serial-port server:
>   stty 115200 raw   </dev/ttyS1
>   socket -l -s 4444 </dev/ttyS1 >/dev/ttyS1 2>&1
> ...after which anybody who telnets to port 4444 on that
> machine is automatically connected to /dev/ttyS1.
> </cheap-N-nasty>
I've been using conserver for serial port servers.  It's a nice wrapper that
logs the output and allows multiple users to view each port with only 1
controlling it.

I have 64 ports from 4 different consoles feeding it now.
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