> Yes, I hope to buy a player on their supported list. Coincidentally,
> Paul Louden of Rockbox is interviewed on this week's FLOSS podcast on
> twit.tv. That might provide a bit of additional background, perhaps a
> little push to get you or others to try it:
> http://twit.tv/floss43
> Strangely, their podcast is only available in MP3 format...

Why do you say that's strange? Out of the 20 or so podcasts I listen
to, only one is not sent in mp3 format, and that's sent in some apple
format so that you get chapter ticks on your iPod when listening to it
(it also changes the "coverart" for each section). That podcast
(Quackcast) does offer MP3, but you have to go manually download it.

Fact is, for better or worse, mp3s can be played by basically
anything. If you want the widest audience the default is going to be
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