On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Bill McGonigle <b...@bfccomputing.com>wrote:

> On 07/07/2009 12:54 PM, Neil Joseph Schelly wrote:
> > I run my company's OpenVPN endpoint on both UDP and TCP.  I send out
> > configurations using UDP because it works in almost all circumstances,
> but
> > there was once, with an employee travelling somewhere in Europe, where
> the
> > hotel firewall/NAT didn't do anything for UDP connections.  That's the
> only
> > time it's ever been used and it may never be used again.  The TCP
> connection
> > is just too much slower to use on a regular basis.
> I hit a couple of these recently, in two different hotels on the same
> trip!  Both only allowed DNS and HTTP/S (most of their guests only use
> wifi for facebook and porn?).  I wound up on a $45/hr Internet
> connection at a nearby conference center for just long enough ($7 worth)
> to setup a TCP/443 OpenVPN instance on my pfSense firewall (running on
> Via C7 hardware).

FWIW, there are adaptations to tunnel SSH over HTTP (corkscrew), DNS, ICMP
among other things.  Corkscrew isn't too bad.
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