On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 4:39 PM, Drew Van Zandt <drew.vanza...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I have managed to get the image to boot in Virtualbox.  Keywords to google
> or look for in the VirtualBox interface if you are in a similar bind:
> agp440.sys
> Also, make sure enough memory is allocated to both RAM and video card for
> the virtual machine.
> I had some bizarre side effects where the shift and control keys stopped
> working in my X session.  They went away "by themselves" which worries me.
I used to use VMware Server/Player but switched to  VirtualBox.  Both
require a kernel module and that needs to be upgraded along with the
kernel.  VMware supplies a binary you need to download from VMware.
VirtualBox supplies source that gets compiled everytime you upgrade the

VMware, VirtualBox, Hyper-V, (and XEN I think?) are collaborating on a
virtual container standard and they're adding support for competitor's
containers too.  Your VMs should be portable.

The only reason I can see to use VMware vs VirtualBox is to feed an ESX
server, but that might be going away.  And familiairity.    What else does
VMware offer over VirtualBox?
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