On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Drew Van Zandt <drew.vanza...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Correction: VMware compiles the modules every time you upgrade the kernel;
> I have not had to download anything new from them on kernel upgrades, just
> let their tool do the recompile when I try to start the VM.
> Virtualbox seems faster,  but the pointer in one of the apps I use is now
> the same color as the background.
> --DTVZ
> On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Tom Buskey <t...@buskey.name> wrote:
>> I used to use VMware Server/Player but switched to  VirtualBox.  Both
>> require a kernel module and that needs to be upgraded along with the
>> kernel.  VMware supplies a binary you need to download from VMware.
>> VirtualBox supplies source that gets compiled everytime you upgrade the
>> kernel.
Last time I used VMware server on Linux as with Fedora 9.  Whenever I did a
yum update and the kernel was updated, I couldn't run VMware server until I
downloaded new "stuff" from VMware.  The kernel recompile that VMware always
did would fail and the server wouldn't start.  I'd have to get something
from VMware that wasn't always available until some time after.  This may
have been before VMware server 2.x.

I stopped updating my kernel because of it.

Once upon a time, I ran Mandrake which always lagged behind Red Hat for
VMware Workstation updates.

FWIW, I run VirtualBox on Linux, MacOSX and Solaris.  I can't do that with
anything VMware or KVM or XEN.
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