wrote on 05/24/2010 02:26:43 PM:

> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 8:22 PM, Bruce Labitt
> <> wrote:
> >>> OpenCV appears to require a good C++ background,
> >>> which I don't have now. ... Any advice?
> >>
> >>   Tell your employer you need some C++ training in order to do your
> >> job effectively.
> >
> > It isn't like I can do NO C++ ...
>   Well, more than once you've made critical remarks regarding your own
> skills in C++.  Since you seem to be in a position where you're being
> asked to work with C++, I figured it warranted pointing out that the
> most useful tool we have is inside our skulls.  Too often we look to
> products and parts to solve problems, when what we really need is
> training and workforce improvement.
> -- Ben

Fair enough.  I can do better.  I shall endeavor to do better... 
Time to crack the books open...  Hmm, which one of the three I just got
within the last two weeks....


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