On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 3:11 PM, Bruce Labitt <bruce.lab...@myfairpoint.net>
> There is some sort of directory issue, which generates an error message
> if I attempt to apt-get remove octave3.2-info.
> I think, if I can remove or delete this file (and remove references to
> it) perhaps the rest of the install will go through.  This, of course
> sound 'dangerous' but I have run out of ideas.
> Any suggestions?  apt-get -f install returns the error message. apt-get
> remove returns the same error.  Looking for a few ideas. I'll try to use
> some of them tonight to attempt a fix.  Got to visit Mom now...

If you don't want to nuke it as David and Jerry suggested, I've sometimes
had luck with dropping to the dpkg layer and trying to manually resolve
these problems.

"dpkg -S FILE" or "apt-file find FILE" will tell you who owns the offending

"dpkg -s PACKAGE" will tell you what a certain package depends on.

"dpkg-reconfigure PACKAGE" will sometimes jiggle a package back into

If you can verify that the file you're about to remove isn't actually owned
by any package, you can try removing it and maybe get unstuck. At that
point I guess the worst-case outcome is that you cripple the system and end
up having to reinstall from scratch... you have a good backup, right?

Sometimes the judicious use of "apt-get purge" to get stale files out of
the way will get the system unstuck, and then you can reinstall the newer
versions of those packages once everything is resolved.

For what it's worth, I stick to LTS releases and use PPAs for packages
where I really want the latest version. I find upgrades from one LTS to
another to be smoother -- have never had a point-release upgrade go well.

Brian St. Pierre
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