> On May 10, 2015, at 3:11 PM, Bruce Labitt <bruce.lab...@myfairpoint.net> 
> wrote:
> […]
> There is some sort of directory issue, which generates an error message 
> if I attempt to apt-get remove octave3.2-info.
> I think, if I can remove or delete this file (and remove references to 
> it) perhaps the rest of the install will go through.  This, of course 
> sound 'dangerous' but I have run out of ideas.
> Any suggestions?  apt-get -f install returns the error message. apt-get 
> remove returns the same error.  Looking for a few ideas. I'll try to use 
> some of them tonight to attempt a fix.  Got to visit Mom now...

What’s the error message?  You might be able to force-remove that one package 
(dpkg -r —force-all octave3.2-info) and ignore dependencies and then continue 
on.  Can’t guarantee it’ll work, but it sounds like it won’t make the system 
any unusable than it is now...

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