On 4/12/07, Bill McGonigle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[drat, wrote this this morning and forgot to hit 'send' - my recent
mail would make more sense with some actual context...]

 Yah, they need a feature which finishes writing drafts for you and
sends them automatically.

If I ever get off my duff and finish my half-baked LUGMinder app ...

 Seriously: I actually think implementation of the calendar ideas I
posted in the link in my other message wouldn't be too hard, if we
found the right existing web calendar software to hack into.  Consider
that any decent calendar program already allows repeating events with
exceptions.  Make the generic meeting announcement the master
repeating event.  For each meeting, coordinators make an exception
with the actual presentation details.  It should be pretty easy to
have an add-on look at that and say, "Hmmmm, Event Q just ticked over
to less than 30 days away, and it still hasn't been turned into an
exception.  Email the coordinator with a nag-note."  Just a Simple
Matter of Programming, right?

 If the base calendar program also supported iCal, vCal, email
reminders, and RSS, that should give us all the reminder features we
could ask for, right?

-- Ben
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