On Mon, 2007-08-20 at 09:21 -0400, Ed lawson wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Aug 2007 09:06:55 -0400
> Ted Roche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 
> > 
> > Thanks, Ben. I was willing to help shoulder some of the load for
> > NEARfest should there have been any interest (I still may go and visit
> > the Flashlight Guy and see if there are bargains to be had) but I'm
> > interested in hearing some ideas on what to do.
> > 
> Although basically MIA for too long and too late to comment on
> NEARfest, I have given some thought to it.  While there is a huge
> number of what some call "appliance" operator hams, it seems two areas
> are of growing interest among hams:  SDRs which are software defined
> radios in which much of the signal processing takes place in software
> and the radio is a simple "black box" and digital modes of operation.
> these are the high tech/cutting edges of the hobby it seems to me.  In
> fact there is a kit for a SDR radio that only costs around $30 so any
> hobbyist can play around and develop software. There is a fair amount of
> open source and some Linux specific software used in both areas. These
> might be good topics for a demo or presentation. Could be combined with
> demos of other ham specific applications. I would, if other hams in
> GNHLUG helped, work on putting something of this nature together for
> future use.  I agree the usefulness of a table where old hardware and
> distributions are given away is very limited now and serves essentially
> no useful purpose.  
> I suspect as OSS and Linux are becoming
> well known and used, the traditional outreach activities of LUGs may
> need to be rethought to stay relevant.  I think that is the case with
> the GNHLUG booth at NEARfest.

And I agree that some talks/demos of the types of things you discussed
in this email SDR, etc. would be interesting and useful to HAMs.  If you
(or anyone else) would like to put forth a proposal for that type of
talk or demo, I am sure the NEARFest people would at least listen to it.

Jon "maddog" Hall
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