"David P. Greenberg" wrote:
> --Well, now I know how Francis Gary Powers felt. I knew I'd get a flamin' but
> boy howdy...
> Now that I've effectively pissed everybody off; Hi, my name is Dave Greenberg.
> You  realise of course that it's all in good fun, and an attempt at
> learning something. I gather from reading the posts on this list that most of
> you guys are pretty much computer heavyweights. I'm not. Although I'm a bit of a
> guru to my immediate circle of friends, I'm still the guy who (after countless
> tries) could not install Star Office, has appoplectic seisures at the thought of
> configuring Pine and has never been within 100 yards of a server.  I don't
> program in Pearl, write C++ code or have a Beowulf Hive (!?!). 

Not all of us are "guru's". I personally consider myself to be fairly
unknowledgable. The greatest lesson that I have ever learned was that
"The only thing that we can know with certainty is that we certainly
don't know anything". If you can admit that you don't know it, then you
can freely ask for help. That's what I do. I offer my tiny amount of
knowledge to people that may need it, and the rest of the time I spend
learning from others. 
        As to your comments about software being free on Windows and Linux,
this is quite true. There is quite a bit of great software out there for
the Windows platform. But, if you compare free software for Windows and
Free software for Linux, you will notice one *MAJOR* difference. Free
software for Linux tends to have the source code with it. So, if by
chance it doesn't work, then you can potentially fix it. I have yet to
see any free software for Windows that contains the sources. There may
be some out there, but I haven't seen it. Also notice that almost *NONE*
of the free software is actually put out my Microsoft (unless there is
an underlying monopolistic agenda). So, again, free software is better
(regardless of the platform).
        As to your points about Linux-based apps not being free. This is also
true. I certainly won't deny it. There are a lot of companies that will
charge for their software. That is there right. It is, however, our
right to not use it, or to find/develop something comperable and better.
I'm not actually going to discuss the Corel situation, as I have very
strong opinions on it, and I don't think it would benefit anyone
(especially Corel) if I voiced them here ;-).
Just my rantings,

>  David P. Greenberg
> Bitco Electronics
> "In Service to the Recording Industry"
> **Think too much, you loose your edge.
>        Edge is everything-Hawk**
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