On Wed, 17 May 2000, Mike Bilow wrote:

> Actually, we've had important machines running on potato since November
> without serious problems.  Most of the showstoppers have related to the
> non-i386 builds, I think, which we do not use.  The first potato test
> cycle has been going really badly, with delays affecting the boot floppies
> and the CD image making, but I am confident that the next test cycle will
> go much better and that the release is a matter of weeks now.
> If you are interested, we maintain a Debian mirror
>       http://debian.bilow.com/debian
>       ftp://debian.bilow.com/debian
> and autobuild a set of unofficial i386 CD images each morning at 0700 EDT
>       http://debian.bilow.com/debian-cdimage
>       ftp://debian.bilow.com/debian-cdimage
> -- Mike

If someone's willing to burn one, I'm willing to try (come Jun, or
maybe Mem Day, as my schedule's filled the next couple of weeks). I
have a 28.8 line at home (thanks BA).  No, I don't have the option of
cable or DSL.  BTW: My main Deb interest would be on my alpha machines
at home, although I would also look at it for my dual PPro.
As Paul pointed out, slink is badly out of date, and my line won't
support the upgrade necessary.

I am subscribed to some of the deb lists (alpha, developer in digest
form), and look forward to Potato being GA.


Jeffry Smith      Technical Sales Consultant     Mission Critical Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED] phone:978.446.9166,x271 fax:978.446.9470
Thought for today:  Chemist who falls in acid will be tripping for weeks.

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