On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, Warren Mansur wrote:

> Matt Herbert wrote:
> > 
> > No, you shouldn't need one.  However, you might want to
> > create a simple one to try to narrow down the problem.  In
> > your home directory create the file .xinitrc and put the
> > following line in it:
> > 
> > exec gnome-session
> > 
> Interesting.  I put this line in /etc/X11/xnit/xinitrc and then
> deleted my own .xinitrc file, and this also caused gnome to load and
> everything to work properly.  I wonder if this is safe?
> Warren

If you don't have a .xinitrc, the system uses the global one at
/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.  So, you've defined the default for those on
your system who don't override it with their own .xinitrc as GNOME.  


Jeffry Smith      Technical Sales Consultant     Mission Critical Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   phone:603.930.9379   fax:978.446.9470
Thought for today:  Ernest asks Frank how long he has been working for the company.
        "Ever since they threatened to fire me."

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