I'm interested.  A good site for educational software pointers for linux is 
the SEUL/edu at:
http://www.seul.org/edu.  SEUL is Simple End-User Linux, and they have a few 
different projects (edu, sci, etc).  for filtering, if they need to comply 
with the law (until it's thrown out, given the ACLU success so far), suggest 
we show them things like Junkbuster, ipchains, etc, that can be configured to 
reject sites.  Point out the benefit in that they can see EXACTLY what gets 
filtered, no having to trust the SW provider's word about how the filtering 


Jeffry Smith      Technical Sales Consultant     Mission Critical Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   phone:603.930.9739 fax:978.446.9470
Thought for today:  feeper /fee'pr/ n. 

 The device in a terminal or
   workstation (usually a loudspeaker of some kind) that makes the
   feep sound.

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