Paul Lussier said:
> In a message dated: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 13:08:18 EST
> Jeffry Smith said:
> >> To me, that's lying.  They're telling me that if I buy they're product, I
> >> can just set it up and forget about it.  That is completely false; i.e.
> >> lying. But you're right, I'd probably have a tough time proving that in a
> >> court room.
> >
> >I can see why you don't work marketing 8-)
> I don't because they won't let me.  I'm ethical and moral.  To me, truth in 
> advertising means that if asked a question about your product, you answer 
> truthfully.

What a concept - next thing you know they'll be talking about giving away the 
source code to the product and the right to modify it *-0.

> IMO, if more comapanies did that, more customers would trust the companies 
> they do business with.  There's nothing wrong in admitting that your product 
> falls short.  If it's important enough, then the answer should be "This is a 
> problem, and we are working on fixing it."  Or at least come out and say 
> something like "Yeah, we know about that, but we not enough people have 
> complained to make it a priority yet."

Trust?  Like telling them "we want you to come back because you like us, not 
because you have to?"  What next, using standards & open-source software so 
they can go somewhere else if you don't treat them right?
> To me, coming out and admitting that it a lot better than ignoring it.

"You want the truth?  You can't handle the truth." ;-)
> But that's me.  Maybe the majority of people like getting lied to, or 
> responded to with mis-leading and evasive answers.

Has anyone asked them?  (what a concept - find out what your customers really 
want!  Next thing you know, you're going to be saying give them the ability to 
change the software themselves to fix the problems!)

> It all comes back to my philosophy that "The world would be a whole lot 
> happier of a place if everyone would just be nice."

Don't you know happiness is something you buy?  Haven't you been paying 
attention to the ads?

> So I'm an idealist, sue me :)

Careful - anyone can sue in this country (winning's another matter).


Jeffry Smith      Technical Sales Consultant     Mission Critical Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   phone:603.930.9739 fax:978.446.9470
Thought for today:  open switch n. 

 [IBM: prob. from railroading] An
   unresolved question, issue, or problem.

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