On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Jeffry Smith wrote:
>> I thought so.  At least their marketing strategy of out-right lying has 
>> remained consistent though :)
> Out-right lying?  I haven't seen that.  Evasive answers, FUD, diversion,
> etc, but out-right lying?  That's actually against the law in advertising.

  There are laws against using monopoly power against your competition,
too.  That didn't appear to stop Microsoft much there, either.  :-)

On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Jeffry Smith wrote:
> Hey, they never said there were any apps running!

  FWIW, we once setup an NT 4.0 SP6 server at a customer site, but due to a
SNAFU on their part, couldn't hook it up to the LAN for a couple weeks.  All
it was running were the built-in file, print, DNS, DHCP, and WINS server
software.  It crashed twice during that time.  Just sitting there.  (Since it
was hooked up to the LAN, it has been "fine" (knock on wood).  Perhaps there
are bugs related to *lack* of demand in Windoze, too?)

On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Paul Lussier wrote:
> So I'm an idealist, sue me :)

  Okay.  You should be hearing from my lawyers next week.  ;-)

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