On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, sherlock wrote:
> but I could not get a decent KDE up ...

  What do you mean by "decent KDE"?  What is indecent about it?

> 1) make a user for Gnome and a user for KDE

  Separate users is not a good idea.  You want one account for yourself;
otherwise, you won't be able to access your own files.

> 2) make one user able to pick which one ?

  If you are starting the default Red Hat X Window System login (gdm), you can
choose the desktop environment you want from the "Session" menu.

  Otherwise, run the program "switchdesk".  It is also available via GUI
menus.  In GNOME, look for Programs -> System -> Desktop Switching Tool.  In
KDE, look for Red Hat -> System -> Desktop Switching Tool.

>  3) install Debian ?

  Sure, just ask Kurth Bemis, it only takes fifteen or so tries.  ;-)

> Meanwhile, I'm salivating over a nice 4 CD Slackware that just arrived.  
> Am I going to be sorry when I try that ?

  Depends on whether you end up liking it or not.  Just keep backups of
anything you want to save, and you should be in good shape.

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