On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, Peter Cavender wrote:
> I hear all this RedHat bashing from people, but I must say I like it. 

  Here, here!  ;-)

> It is s breeze, it is highly customizable,and it WORKS.

  Ultimately, this is what it comes down to for me.  At the end of the day,
when all is said and done, Red Hat Linux makes my life easier than any of the
other distros I've tried.  And that is, after all, the point.

> FWIW, though, I too am not pleased with the $$ based motivations for
> releases and the crap included with RH 7.0....

  Indeed.  I've been pretty much avoiding Red Hat 7.0.  It goes beyond simple
bugs into the realm of design flaws.  I think I may well end up just skipping
the entire 7.x series, and hoping GCC 3.0 ships before Red Hat 8.0.

  On the gripping hand, I'm seriously considering giving SuSE 7.1 a try.

> that is why I use 6.2, with the updated RPMs, and the perpetually insecure
> software (sendmail, wu-ftpd, BIND)

  I'm curious... do you have an alternative to BIND, or do you just use
non-local nameservers?

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