Derek Martin wrote:

> Their installer SUCKS!  It's ugly, non-intuitive, and slow (I don't mean

Their installer can't suck that bad when I've installed Debian on hundreds of boxes and
on all types of hardware (everything from x86 to sparc to ppc)... they are obviously
doing something right...

> the performance, I mean it takes too damn long).  It doesn't figure out

Too long?? I can get Debian installed on a system in about 5 minutes, and thats WITH
the reboot.

> what hardware you have for you, and the help is often anything but. I
> can't make it any plainer than that.

Granted this would be a nice "feature" to have, but it's not necessary to get the
system up and running, it would be useful to get all the toys working.

> I can do a RH install in 3 minutes.  My first Debian install took 3
> hours.  Not counting post-install configuration in either case.  And no,

Is it fair to say that you are more used to installing Red Hat than Debian? Im sure if
I were to install Red Hat today on my laptop, it would take me about 5 times as long as
a Red Hat guru.

> debian wasn't all configured when I was done the install.  I had to make
> numerous customizations, similar to those I made on redhat, before I was
> happy with it.

I don't know what you people are doing to fudge up the installs so bad....  :)

> I'll grant you I don't NEED an installer that figures out everything for
> me; I've been through numerous Slackware installs (in the days of 3.x).
> But if I have the choice between hard and easy, I'll take easy.

Like I said, I don't think its a difference of hard and easy, but what youre more used
to. I admit Red Hat (last time I installed it) detects your X server during setup, and
even has little nifty toys to make your life easier (aka sndconfig), but the way I see
it, as long as you know a little about your system, you shouldnt have a problem getting
stuff like sound and video to work.

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