AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) should do what you are looking for.
It uses /dev/urandom to generate the salt, and the Rijndael algorithm
and the Cipher Block Feedback method for encrypting streams of data.


Cole Tuininga wrote:
> Hi folks - I have a couple of encryption related questions for the
> programmers in the group.
> I'm in the process of coding an application that I need to have store
> data files.  Now, some of these data files will need to be encrypted (at
> the option of the user).  The basic implementation concept I planned to
> use was to take a static value, say "00000000" and encrypt it using the
> password as the salt.  Before I put much thought into it, I planned on
> using just the good 'ole crypt(3).  But then I got to thinking about how
> easy that was to brute force, and unless I'm mistaken, it is not
> portable between flavors of Un*x?
> In any case, I was wondering if anybody would care to recommend any (C
> based) GPL'd encryption packages for this use?  Any you would recommend
> against?
> Oh yeah.  Linux rules.
> --
> Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.
> Cole Tuininga
> Network Admin
> Code Energy, Inc
> (603) 766-2208
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